Thursday, 25 October 2007

October round-up: parents, rugby, job changes

Here we are only days from the end of the month, racing towards the year's end and hardly a moment to blog!

As mentioned in the last blog entry, my parents arrived in England from sunny Australia late in September. They have been busy, using us as a base for the first part of the holiday; they visited Paris with my brother, then Lincolnshire, where one of Mum's many sisters lives. We have taken them to Standen, Hever Castle, (the home of Anne Boleyn, second wife of Henry VIII and mother of Elizabeth I) and more local sites.

The Rugby World Cup was also on during this time, and we all enjoyed watching the games, that is until Australia got knocked out, followed by New Zealand. John was gleeful about England being in the final, but South Africa proved the stronger one is saying ANYTHING!

Now my parents are in the last week of a three week stay in Northern Ireland, where they are in a holiday house owned by another of Mum's sisters. It seems that droves of family have been to see them there, but they have enjoyed it.
Other very major news is that John has decided to throw his cards back in with the Foreign Office and will rejoin them in December after 5 years on unpaid leave while working in both Hong Kong and here in the south east of England. Watch this space for updates on what he will be doing and more importantly WHERE he will be......................................
In the meantime I am learning all about orchids (among other things), and will attend a course on caring for them next month. In time too, as recently when I asked a customer 'Can I help you?' She replied 'No, you can't, I probably know a lot more about them than you do' !!!
True, but a little harsh, I think.

Other than that, the girls and Adam are well; Hannah is Form Representative, Emily is playing golf and they are both helping a lot more around the house now that their mother is working. Finally!

Sunday, 7 October 2007

Evacuation from East Grinstead

Emily is learning about WWII at school, and recently covered the extensive evacaution of children from the major cities in the UK. Like Japan, children were sent out to the country side. This week, her class had a school trip to an ex-army base at Newhaven Fort, where they experienced things like the Blitz shelter. The children had to dress like evacuees, and carry with them their "gas masks" (a brown box on string they wore around their necks). This is a a photo of Em in her evacuation gear leaving home.

Monday, 1 October 2007

New month, new job

Hello! Today I started work in my new job. After watching 6 induction videos on health and safety, and putting on my steel capped boots and uniform I went on a tour of the place. Huge. I am going to be in charge of indoor plants. Not quite the outdoors, but I will end up out there. It was cold and wet and we get plenty of warm clothes.

Emily is now going to after school care as I get home late. She also had her first day and enjoyed it. I had to drag her away very quickly as we needed to get home to take Bosley to the vet.

Poor Bosley has been in a fight, and a very nasty bite on his back became infected. The absess burst last night and John and I were very concerned about the amount of blood that came from it. Still in pain and not a well pussy cat, we got him into his cage which he hates, just as John got all four of us took him to the vet. He has a high temperature, and a big wound. Two injections, a worm tablet for good measure and well cleaned cut later, we brought him home, where he is now resting in the conservatory.

The other news is that my parents are here, but left this morning for Lincolnshire. We visited Lewes and Standen this weekend and it is great having them here.