Saturday, 23 March 2013

Back from the Outback

Friendly people, I am home in wet and snowy England after two special weeks with loved ones on the other side of the globe.
In 14 days I flew in and out of Hong Kong with an 18 hour stop over to spend time with bro, sis-in-law and the lovely Ava Eloise, then on to Sydney for a weekend with Artist Sister and her partner.
A whole week in the Sunshine State with my parents, back to Sydney for two nights and one day and then the long trek home.
It was just lovely seeing everyone and being in Australia. How I love the place. How hard it is to come away.
It is good to have learned that that long trip is totally do-able in two weeks. So the plan is to do it again - one day.

I took loads of photos and did a lot, including some pretty nifty crochet, so will put a few pics up to share with you all the beauty of the places I saw.


Monday, 4 March 2013

Still here

Despite the lack of posts, I am still here. Occasionally reading up on all the news and latest creations. Truth is - the job requires loads of learning. I take it seriously. Lots of people now come to me with their issues and it is important they get the help/support they need. By the end of the day I am fairly wiped out.

The kokeshi dolls are all done and have been handed over to be raffled. I was so very proud when someone said they could not wait until the raffle and bought one outright for £10.00!! I don't think my work has been paid for before. That money also went to the Ethiopia fund, what a feeling.

J and I have been swanking it up in London with an overnight stay in a friend's flat in BELGRAVIA....Such fun! We went to the London Eye, the cinema and walked our toes off. The girls joined us the next day, when we parted with J to go shopping. Em got a dress for the Boat Party, discounted and cashed back.....and we picked up some items at Uniqlo for my artist sister.

In TWO DAYS I will be flying home via Hong Kong where I get to see my brother, sister in law and the lovely Ava Eloise.  Dad has had his op and is doing well and I will in Cooran on Monday next week after a couple of days with my sister in Sydney.

So, things are busy. Very busy and there is lots to do.

I imagine my next post will be from Australia.

Have a good week you lovely people. x