Wednesday, 20 June 2012

A hole in the head

I have one, given to me this morning by our lovely dentist. A bridge had to be altered and one tooth removed. Ignorance is bliss, I was not a bit concerned when they sat me in the chair and handed me a bib.....I had visions of popping along to the gym this afternoon with G, but he soon put paid to that idea. No pain then, it's a bit tender now, and there was lots of blood.....and still an odd dazed feeling.

I paid for the treatment, although I do have an NHS dentist. In this town there are now no dentists taking on new NHS patients. How mad is that? Teeth are fundamental to life and healthy teeth to a healthy body. If folk cannot afford to have their teeth looked at, and we are just talking about check ups here, not treatment....then by the time they really need work done it will exorbitantly expensive and possibly their teeth will be past saving.  I think that everyone needs to have access to initial consultation for their teeth as well as their bodies. I am not happy about all these changes to the National Health Service.

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Self imposed absence

There are times in life when a serious re-think about what is important is essential. That time came for me last week. It has been coming for a while, although the nitty gritty of it does not need to be aired here, tempting as it is to off load! It became necessary NOT to log on and blog and surf the net daily, necessary NOT to be racing off out the door minutes after getting in from work and NOT to go with my lovely girlfriends for a quick few at the end of the week. The result is a more grounded me in better contact with all my loved ones.
Last night we watched Lord of the Rings together and today some of us worked together outside in the garden. We have been eating together and talking about little things that are important.

Lots of good has come out of this week.

Em's blanket is finished and on her bed.

The yarn is ready to start one for Han - tonight.

The garden looks spiffy and there are lots of new flowers.

Big J and I have been on a bike ride together.

More things have gone to the charity shop.

Someone I know, who has had two heart attacks rode the London to Brighton bike ride today - brave young man.

I have some wonderful friends.

I have a wonderful family.

I am a much happier woman this weekend than I was last weekend.

Blogging is still a big deal to me.

I will be back.

Thursday, 7 June 2012


We are back from a chillax break in a very nice part of the world. I always feel very priviledged when I am climbing the steps of a plane. It is a momentous thing to fly and I never want to take it for granted that I am fortunate enough to have travelled widely and can still do so on occasion.

Piccies of the trip to follow when they come off the memory stick.

But today is about BLOG TEMPLATES. Honestly, I just had a little peek to see how my blog would look with a Dynamic template and in a word it looked like blurb, no labels (well off on a side bar that has to be clicked) and photos everywhere. Then it was nearly panic stations to retreive the thing and of course it is not the same as it was.

So this is yet again a new layout and it seems to tick the boxes.

Glad to be back reading all the great stuff you put up.