Saturday, 23 March 2013

Back from the Outback

Friendly people, I am home in wet and snowy England after two special weeks with loved ones on the other side of the globe.
In 14 days I flew in and out of Hong Kong with an 18 hour stop over to spend time with bro, sis-in-law and the lovely Ava Eloise, then on to Sydney for a weekend with Artist Sister and her partner.
A whole week in the Sunshine State with my parents, back to Sydney for two nights and one day and then the long trek home.
It was just lovely seeing everyone and being in Australia. How I love the place. How hard it is to come away.
It is good to have learned that that long trip is totally do-able in two weeks. So the plan is to do it again - one day.

I took loads of photos and did a lot, including some pretty nifty crochet, so will put a few pics up to share with you all the beauty of the places I saw.



Mrs G said...

Welcome back!

Karen said...

I'm with you...always so hard to leave. One day, I hope to not have to leave...