Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Autumnal weather and sweeping away the gloom

The sun shines and the air is cool. The raspberries bushes are drooping with their heavy harvest....and today is about purging. (Not the body, just had a small death by chocolate  gluten free brownie!!). First is the crafty STASH. Already much reduced, out it goes. Out it all goes if I have not seen it for the last year....Charity shops here we come.
I suffer from time to time with a real sense of gloom and when that strikes the only way I think I can deal with it is to simplify life. But I don't. I get waylaid, distracted, disheartened and demotivated. Then things pick up and I look around and see that nothing has altered in any way. This time the gloom bug caught me unawares. From happy to somewhere in the depths literally overnight.
So, this time I thought that I would at least have a go at streamlining to see if there is true sense of order in my surroundings if it will make any difference.
Am having a second cuppa with Em before going back in to tackle stage two.

There will be a giveaway as well.

Watch this space.

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