Sunday, 8 September 2013

Bird in hand - berries too

Big J and I took Juno for a long walk this morning. Along the farm tracks. There were blackberries and some early sloes so we used one of Miss Juno's poo bags to collect the harvest, how handy! I also found by the track a lovely but wounded female blackbird. She was a warm brown colour and very soft and surprisingly calm in my hands. I so wanted to bring her home and try and nurse her back to health. But with a cat, dog, and a noisy house what could we do? In the end, I put her in a small hidden hollow on the bank and hoped that she would find the energy to get herself home.

There is also a field of these flowers which the bees adore. Phacelia tanacetifolia, it is a green manure and is grown to boost the soil (it is dug back into the ground at the end of the season) and to attract bees.

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