Friday 23 January 2015

Joining in with Happy Friday...

Great for starting and not finishing things, here I go again with Planet Penny's Happy Friday. This will not be weekly for me, but thought it might be good to summarise on the odd Friday, good things passed.

For me it has been being able to keep the house a little more clutter free, (Big J helps no end). Small thing to some but it is really important to me. As you all know I crave simplicity and balance and am just so not good at either. 
For every item that has come in of late at least 3 have gone out. I have culled my crochet books down from about 60 to about 6. I am working on ONE THING AT A TIME for now, and making time to walk, breathe, eat less and drink rarely. 
I am doing my best to meet deadlines and today will be an academic one to make the final tweaks to an essay.
My desk area is a tip, it is on the list. Watch this space. 
Have a serene Friday friends. 

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