Friday, 20 February 2015

A good life ends

For many this may not seem like a happy post and in fact it is not really. This week, the girls lost their beloved grandad in Japan. He was tiny, fiesty, had had a hard childhood and was very traditional. He also adored the girls and took great interest in them, their interests and lives. He frequently sent them books, Chinese characters for Hannah and science for Em. Despite the tears and sorrow, they will remember him for his spirit and quirky sense of humour. Everyone always laughed a lot and the memories will be very happy.

On the Happy Friday thing, my total lack of technical skills meant that I did not realise that the idea was to use linky to link to the group, although I did manage to get the button onto the blog. So, today I am linking back to Planet Penny to see if that works. I can be a real dill at times!

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