Sunday 2 October 2011

On this warm and sunny weekend.. a puffy Ta-dah!

I went to Tunbridge Wells to to buy more for wool for the blanket border. I had a quiet coffee over the paper and bought some lovely bamboo yarn which has long fascinated me, and made this.......Ta-dah!:
It's a bamboo scrubbie or bath puff by Bridgit E Burns on Ravelry. The yarn was heavenly to work with and the pattern really fast. It is a bit small, but I did use a 3.5mm hook when a 4mm would have been better. Anyway, it is so pretty and soft. And it was so nice to have a little project to do that was not the baby blanket!
This morning though, while Big J watched the rugby in New Zealand while sitting in our sunny living room, another strip went onto the blanket. Near but not there yet.
Work in the garden ensued and all the raspberrie canes were cut back. First time in two years, they needed it. The shed was cleaned out and 1100 pots (or thereabouts, seemed like it anyway) that I had been stashing were let go, among other things that accumulate when one is not looking. The best thing I have ever found in our shed is a bottle of Dom Perignon!. Ask no questions, it was truly a mystery, but it was good!
A little visit to a plant nursery that also sells chickens. Oh dear, the old longing again and the rational sounding discussion with the owner about keeping them when we know we will drive off without a feathered friend in the car. This time though, there was talk of possibly, maybe, getting a couple as Big J is going to be away for so long, if he goes. We will see.
Home to roast chicken...come on, I am a practical girl, followed by Banoffee pie on the patio by candlelight.

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